Awareness of my land, my roots, my footprint.

Nuestros tres pilares fundamentales son el corazón de nuestra misión. Cada uno refleja nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo económico, la preservación cultural y la sostenibilidad ambiental.

Únete a nosotros en este viaje hacia un futuro más consciente y equitativo, donde honramos nuestra tierra, nuestras tradiciones y nuestro impacto en el mundo.

From my land:

We are deeply committed to our community. Through partnerships with local producers, we promote economic development in our region, creating jobs and opportunities for our families.

Our focus is on fostering fair trade and sustainable tourism, helping to preserve what makes us unique while driving growth that benefits all.

From my roots:

We believe in the power of our traditions. Casa Conciencia works to keep our cultural heritage alive, from artisan production to gastronomy and textiles.

We value the exchange of knowledge between generations, connecting traditional cooks, artisans and communities to preserve and share our rich culture with the world.

From my footprint:

Respect for nature is at the heart of what we do. We are dedicated to caring for the land through sustainable agricultural practices, reforestation and green projects that minimise our environmental impact.

Every step we take is designed to leave a positive footprint, not only for ourselves, but for future generations.

At Casa Conciencia, creating a mezcal brand is the first step in fulfilling the objectives of our three fundamental pillars.

By immersing ourselves in the favourable situation of agave espadín cultivation in Yautepec, we seek not only to preserve this tradition, but also to foster local economic development (pillar From my land), strengthen our cultural identity (pillar From my roots), and promote sustainable agricultural practices (pillar From my footprint).

Mezcal is a way to connect these pillars, supporting local farmers, caring for our land, and sharing the best of our region with the world.

Taste the spirit of the earth

Casa Conciencia 2024

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